Sunday, 15 June 2014

We are on our way!
First, a big THANK YOU to so many for your prayers, support, donations, and well-wishes.
We give thanks to the LORD for orchestrating this team of men, women, and children who heard a call to serve the community of Yetebon, Ethiopia at Project Mercy. 

What will we be doing?
Only the LORD knows.

But what we think we will be doing is having fun with the orphans, ranging from kindergarten age to high school teenagers, playing soccer and American flag football, singing songs, and reaching out to the adolescent girls with a special project.

The medical team will be teaching a skills refresher/faculty development workshop to the teachers of midwifery at the newly opened midwife college.

And we will be bonding with one another and the community.

And listening carefully for the Lord's leading.

Come with us!



  1. Blessings and safe travels. We will be praying for your team.

  2. We are excited to see the work the Lord will be doing through all of you.We are praying for the whole team.Be safe.Love you guys!
    Troy, Kathleen, Sammy, Kari, and Joshua
